metal countertop

Are you thinking about installing a metal countertop in your home or business, but don’t know where to start? Check out these 6 metal countertop materials to get the inspirational juices flowing!

1. Stainless Steel Countertops

Stainless steel countertops are the most popular of the metal countertops. Frequently used in industrial kitchens and hospitals, they are sometimes thought of as sterile, but when matched with compatible décor and accents, it can create a beautiful look.

Stainless steel is a nonporous material that is resistant to germs and easy to clean. It is easy to install and can be recycled after use. However, stainless steel is also noisy, conducts heat quickly, and is expensive. Plus, while it is easy to scratch and dent, this abused style looks better over time.

2. Copper Countertops

Copper is the second most popular metal countertop. It is frequently found in older, more traditional homes and gives off a warm, old-world vibe. As with any old style, it has made a comeback!

Copper is easy to clean, maintain, and keep shiny. It is resistant to germs and can often be salvaged from older homes if you are looking for a more affordable price. Sadly, like stainless steel, it can be easily scratched and is expensive when buying new.

3. Bronze Countertops

Unlike other metal countertops, bronze is an alloy made from copper and tin. Its unique color, which will change to patina over time, is a favorite among designers looking for something funky and fresh since it isn’t commonly used.

Bronze is more durable than other metal countertops and less likely to get damaged by dents and scratches. Given that it is an uncommon countertop material, it can be hard to find and expensive to buy.

4. Zinc Countertops

Zinc has become popular in the last few years; if you have been to an oyster bar, you have likely seen one! Its natural color makes it a fun center color to design around and give your workspace or kitchen a unique look. You can keep it shiny over the years or let it develop that bluish-gray patina for whatever style you like best! 

Zinc is resistant to germs and easy to clean. Like most metal countertops, it can warm or get scorch marks from hot items and easily get scratched. In addition, zinc is expensive to buy new.

5. Pewter Countertops

Pewter has generally been used for kitchen items in the past, such as basins, plates, bowls, and more. It has been a common countertop material for a long time in Europe, but it is just now gaining popularity in the USA for those looking for a new style in their space.

Pewter is a nonporous material, resistant to germs, and easy to clean. Like zinc, its color will change over time, but pewter’s aged color is a muted charcoal patina. Sadly, it shares the same downsides as zinc and is more expensive.

6. Brass Countertops

Like bronze, brass is a rare material that is rarely used for countertops, but it is marvelous to look at and enjoy when it is.

Like bronze, brass is highly durable and resistant to damage. However, due to its rarity, it can be difficult to procure and highly expensive. However, if you have the time and money, this countertop would make a stunning centerpiece for a home kitchen.

Are you looking to install a metal countertop in your home or business? Give us a call today for an estimate.